Saturday, May 22, 2010

Job Update. Not one but two!


As of this week Jon and I both have jobs waiting for us in Grand Portage. We went up for my interview last Friday. The interview was at 9:30am and before noon I was offered the job....I think that a new personal best. The last week has been an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs. On Wednesday Jon had a phone interview and was offered a job on the spot. We are still hoping that the community center position will come through at some point but at least for now it's nice knowing that for the first time since we've been married we both have a job offer on the table. With benefits!

We have set a tentative move date for June 12th, with the intention of starting our new jobs on June 14th. The next month or so is going to be physically and emotionally draining but I have high hopes for the potential this move will bring.

Please pray for us over the next couple months as we adjust to some major changes. Also we are still looking for a permanent residence. A couple families in the church offered to help us with a place to live until we are able to find a place of our own. Which is turning out to be very complicated.

Thank you all for your love and support during this time. We are both excited to see what the future brings.

-Beth & Jon

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Faith Building/ New Update

Beth and I have been preparing for our week long trip up to Grand Portage this summer with Oak Haven Church. At a meeting last Sunday, the trip leader, Katie Jo, asked if anyone wanted to share about how God has been working in their lives lately. I took a moment to tell about our lives, and would like to share the story with you as well.

Some of you may know, Beth and I haven't had the best string since getting married. The day after we got home from our honeymoon, I found out I was losing my job. We were fortunate to have saved enough to ride out our lease at the apartment and move into a house with three single guys, a baby, one dog, and two lizards. Beth being the only female apart from one of the lizards, but I don't think it offered her much companionship in a gender sympathetic fashion. We've since added a dog and a cat of our own to the mix.

Being away from work offered up the opportunity to go on the Portage trip last year, and set this whole idea of moving up there into reality. While the week of VBS and teen nights could be tiring, it was refreshing to see all the children's smiling faces despite all the hurt and pain that is happening up there. Most families have unstable homes effected by drugs, alcohol or a parent in prison and it broke both of our hearts to hear kids that were about 8 or 9 years old express they didn't feel they were loved.

At the same time, while being up there, it was a great time for me to catch up with my old friend Jake. We had gone to church together as kids, played in the youth band, and even had a stretch in community college where we ate lunch together every day. God had brought him up to help out for a summer, now he's the pastor of Mount Rose Church. A few times over the he had made some remarks to me, "You can always find work up here." He played it off as a joke, although I could tell that a small part of him may have meant it.

I don't think it was until we got home, laying in bed next to Beth when it hit me. Why not? What is stopping up from going up there? Jake needs help. These kids need help. Who are we not to give to them in any way possible. Yes, it may be hard to leave our families behind. To move away from our friends. Or even the convenience of having a Wal-mart that you don't have to boat across Lake Superior to get to. But they will still be there for us when we get home. I expressed this to Beth and she had been thinking the same thing.

We began praying that God would prepare us, and that is when things started getting interesting. We've had two major car repairs. Health insurance. Come up short for rent a few times. Moments when we thought we wouldn't have money for food. Every time, without exception, a check or odd-job comes in, we get a donation of food from a local food shelf.

I think the only thing harder than not knowing when or where our next meal may come from is not being able to set down roots. We both applied for jobs close to two months ago. While not hearing back from a place after two weeks down here pretty much means you don't have a shot, you may not hear back for six months in Portage and be the front runner. Every day has been spent living like we'll be in Blaine forever, but at the same time, be ready to move at any moment. It's made it hard to look for work, look for possible living arrangements, or find a new church home. At this point, with one semester left, I don't even know if I'll be able to graduate.

The pressure had began to wear Beth down. Between the combination of the waiting and a class she had taken to differ school loans, she has found it difficult to be floating with no anchor. This past Monday she told me in tears that she couldn't settle down and live a normal life, but can't stand not doing nothing anymore.

This morning she left her phone at home when she went to work. It was an unfortunate incident for two reasons. First, she has a job interview tonight for a place about 40 minutes from home. Second, she got a call from the HR department up in Portage to schedule an interview.

Again, we're begging for your prayers of support. Her interview is Friday the 14th at 9:30am. Please pray that she can make a good impression, for guidance, wisdom, and anything else you can think of. We still don't know when a final decision will be made, or any details that would come along with her getting the job, such as, housing, my schooling, work for me, etc. We're not even sure if we can afford the trip up there for the interview. All we know is that we want to serve our God in any way we can. We are so grateful for all of your prayers and support.
Jon and Beth